Sunday 16 December 2018

Phnom Cheung Prey

Phnom Cheung Chey, in Rovieng village, Rovieng district, Cheung Prey district, Kampong Cham province. Phnom Cheung Chey in Cheung Prey district, Kampong Cham Province, north of National road 6, to the east of Pha Pha market, about 3km, with a road to the north, about 1,500m, two separate mountains about 100m. One to the east called Phnom Srey or another to the west, called the Mountain or the Mountain. These two mountains, called "Phnom Cheung Chey", have been called because of the legend that women and Boys bet each mountain as "Phnom Srei Male" near Kompong Cham, but on Phnom Cheung Chey landfall at Phnom Srei, where the digging of the hill becomes a big pond, a anniversary of the anniversary Shadows called God's pond A pit near the Male Mountain, where the man digs the land to make this mountain becomes a big pond, no water anniversary, called a dry wall. On the road to the east of Pha Pha market, about 3 kilometers away from the National Road to Cheung Cheung, this is a smooth road to a large car. The pond is located northeast of Phnom Srey or Phnom Thom, about 100 meters wide, about 100 meters wide, about 4 meters deep and about 10 meters high on the upper side of the pond around 5 meters. Nowadays there is still a clear water, a dwelling place for the natives and there are many reptiles that fill the pond, produce fruits, flowers, jasmine, can be compared to a small lake, which is magnificent to the audience. None of the fishermen dared to tattoo or lean in the pond, because they were afraid of everything, even the fruit and vegetation of other limbs, the flowers, etc., were banned for their children. The pagoda was originally called "goddess of water" as originally mentioned, but it is called "water of God". It's called "water of God" because it is very tough and when they need to go up the mountain at night, with something fun, they always take a bottle of sweet potato to go to the water in the pond. God on top of the mountain is never lost, the word "water of God" has dried up near the mouth of everyone who lives nearby, when they need a lost cow or needy wood, they often ask each other, Find out where AC? Or go to the firewood of water? The archaeological remains of the ruins of the mountain are still ruined, leaving the remains of the Buddha, Nirvana, Buddha, God of the Horse, the Emblem, and the Buddha's Buddha. M. Turning to the southeast, praying in a cave in the cave with the Buddha, standing on the shaft, and the Buddha's name, Buddha Buddha Nirvana, headed toward the east, facing to the shining smile of prayer in a zinc-rich hut Lastly constructed in the southwestern cemetery of the cave, the cave that housed the monuments was ruined, those who entered At the cave of the cave in the west and east of the cave, there is a clear inscription on the east side of the cemetery, the remote viewers will notice that the Khmer script only arrives at the cave of the cave. The Khmer-language Khmer-English Dictionary is not read in ancient Khmer script, and the brick kilns dig into the hills. 1 large pond named "dry wall" that is about 100 mm. 4 corners equal to about 10 mm. It lies in the south-east corner of the goddess's pond, which is full of water. The dry pond was dry, unknowingly dry, no matter how rainy in the rainy season, the water did not fall in the pond, but when it rained, it immediately dried up, the water suddenly seemed to have a huge hole. Water out. Of course, both ponds and ponds are not far from 100 meters apart. And how is a pond full of water full of rainy season and another pond dried? According to old people near the pond, it is said that the pond is dry, because of the curse that the women put to the male. On the northwest side of the pond, God has a small pond, about 5 meters high. Depth of about 4 or 5 meters is called a foot bath.

Name: Cheung Cheung Temple
Builders: Jayavarman VII
Built date: 12 th century
Dedicated to: Brahmin religion
Architecture: Khmer style
Location: Rovieng village, Rovieng district, Cheung Prey district, Kampong Cham province

The old saying is that the pagoda is called so because the old man leaned to the feet before going up the two mountains. Today, every day 8 born 8, 15 rats, 14-15 rituals are sacred, Phao Some villages Cheung Chey village Some Tungpu village are often called up to the hill to be deemed to be deified when they are deified, and some are returned to their homes and some are still there. 1 day, evening and some even for 1 day, 1 night and then return home selfishness. Those who stayed for one night were meditating, and in the morning, they made a meal for the monks in the morning. Those who made the bronze offerings to the monks, they did not eat sushi, do not fish-meat, believing that if the fish-fish will cause bothers in the monk, there will be worms scabies scabs Finding only a sleeping do not sit in harmony with eating fish - meat causes a broken bone. Many bunnies come to live on the mountain but bear for many months Some of the ladies went to the water and picked up some of the goddesses to wash their feet at the big rock, and the water flowed back to the house and sent them to the house. Send me grandchildren to wash and eat ... This is the belief of those who go to pray for the mountain. Besides archeology as mentioned, there are still some archeological diagrams, At Thakay Teav, the whole day is still visible because some of the fragments have disappeared. According to local residents, when the French went there, he took the pagoda to the stairs to the female pond. On Phnom Srey there was a sandstone project, people call "Footprints." Above the hill, this northeast corner has a flat and beautiful terrace known as Khun Chhnang. In the west, there is a hole in the cave, and the riel is enough to put the riel down, and the hole is a logotype that he always plays in the evening, and the surrounding wall is made of laterite Each unit is about 0.40 m x 0.60 m. According to the ancient stone fortifications, there are seven floors, all of which are stone, the work of the ancestors, built in the back of the "royal yam" generation to protect insecurity or to protect something of this generation. This wall is ravaged, but there are still a lot of visitors, it is possible to conclude that there are seven floors. Phnom Cheung Chey is a prayer of archeology, a pond of God, as mentioned above, nowadays has become Resort for tourists, especially for Cambodians living in Cheung Prey and Prey Chhor districts, both the royal and the royal family The year of the Khmer or at the end of the month of August, but most of them prefer to play on the day of each of the months, they are waiting until the end of the month when they will visit this Phnom Pleasure. Personal bicycles, motorcycles, ox carts, carts, or cars are also rented by motorbikes, tuk-tuks, tuk-tuks, or rented wagons. At that time, other vehicles were stationed to countless records. People crowded each other's shade, some up the hill, and some came back down and rushed up the hill. Everybody went with bottles and flowers to incense and worship them. During the worship, some singing, some dance, some food, some paddling, some playing golf, some gambling in groups under the forest, especially under the jar of lemongrass till late in the evening. Each one returns to their respective homes. Those who visit are subject to two cautions:

In the mountains, there is a small cottage under one of the trees, which is a red tarmac. He is very good, so people are called mountain riders. For in the beginning was the magician, and the virgin, by the magicians, the princes, and the eunuchs, who were not gone in the way of the flesh, nor possessed the desire of unrighteousness. But today some powers are turned down, but some of them are still cautious.
They do not dare to chase the monkeys on Samraong, a descendant of the Takhmao, but the chase will be hit with a swollen swinging arm.
Please be advised that if you need to have a fun trip to Cheung Chey, you will be happy to have fun at the end of the month.

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