Sunday 9 December 2018

Geographical location

Prasat Preah Vihear is situated in the north of Cambodia in the normal town of Serey, Chom Ksan District, Preah Vihear Province, and once in the past situated in Village 1, Kantout Commune, Chorm Ksan District, Preah Vihear Province. From Prey Chsan Prefecture, in Kampong Thom Province. Preah Vihear sanctuary is a mountain sanctuary based on the highest point of a mountain sanctuary in the Dangrek Mountains, 625 feet above ocean level. The engraving of Preah Vihear called the Dangrak Dangrek as a divider, divider or divider. The Thais call the Dangrak Dangrek that the Veal, while the Lao individuals called the Mung. Preah Vihear is situated on the fringe of Sisaket Province of Thailand. The Temple of Preah Vihear is around 55 km from the Chakkan Ksan 100 km from the common town of Preah Vihear around 150 kilometers from the commonplace capital of Siem Reap and around 400 kilometers from Phnom Penh. The Dangrek Mountains are the limits of the universal regular limit among Cambodia and Thailand. Preah Vihear sanctuary is on the purpose of 14.24 to 18 of the east and 104 to 41.02 of the northern limit. Preah Vihear Temple is situated on the Preah Vihear sanctuary on a territory of ​​800 by 400 square meters. The heap of Preah Vihear is intensely affected by Cambodia and its slants from Thailand. Today, nearby vendors and neighborhood individuals are for the most part jumping on the mountain on C1, on the grounds that it is anything but difficult to travel. Additionally, visitors can ascend the sanctuary by old stairs toward the east side of the mountain, which was worked in the sanctuary time, however has been harmed up until now, yet now it has been revamped and utilized as a stair rather than under Repair of the National Authority for Preah Vihear. In the journey to Preah Vihear, they can pick by two different ways: 

From Siem Reap, while in transit to Banteay Srei to Anlong Veng, to the circuitous, proceed around 20 kilometers to the principal stop, which is a ticket for the Preah Vihear sanctuary. 

Withdraw from Phnom Penh to Kampong Thom, at that point to Siem Reap-Preah Vihear junction, at that point turn directly through Sambor Prei Kuk or Sampov Prei Kork Resort to the Phnom Kleang intersection and swing left to the commonplace town of Preah Vihear and proceed to the indirect.
History of the Temple of Preah Vihear
Through research, it is accepted that the development of the Temple of Preah Vihear was at first built in the mid ninth century amid the rule of Jayavarman II (802-850). By the engraving K-583 at Baphuon Jay amid the rule of King Rajendravarman II (844-968), Indravagant King of Jayavarman II went to: Mount Penang Bopha (Wat Phu Pagoda) Champasak, Laos), and brought penis shaft from the penile shaft of the penis (Svay Pok Poun) to lay on the heap of Preah Vihear for the sake of goddess Sisakharvorak Which implies the divine force of the mountain. Srey Sri Krishna, this is the name of the penis put in the Temple of Preah Vihear and the name of the old sanctuary of Preah Vihear. Preah Vihear sanctuary is committed to the goddess of Buddhism. The Khmer King who manufactures the Temple of Preah Vihear is
Prince Indiana
About Emperor's Life: Prince Indravuthu, the son of Jayavarman II, when he was an old man, went to attend the martyrdom at Penangphore, Wat Phu in southern Laos. Today. He then built a penis, removing it as a large part of the penis. The penis, called Sreyratharvirak, took the penis to the temple. The penis, Sreyrathirvara, is also the name of the Temple of Preah Vihear, which was taken to the site of the Sisakrev Svay Prasat. This is the part of the penis taken from the Penang Pagoda in Wat Pho Chom Chasac, Laos. At Preah Vihear temple by Prince Indravasp. Then, scholars who learned about inscriptions and about the Temple of Preah Vihear assumed that the locations probably were not the same today. There is only a wooden mosque, because it is a place of residence for the Brahmin, who respects the ecclesiastical profession.

Brahma: Master: Doctor
According to the inscription at the Temple of Preah Vihear, the K-381, which is a traditional Khmer language and Sanskrit, adds that there is a Brahmin named Venerable Ph.D., who is important to the history of the Temple of Preah Vihear. Brahmins: Svetlana: The Doctor has a pagoda in the territory of the Temple of Preah Vihear. Between 1024 AD he received gold ostrich and other valuable objects from Suryavarman I because he was grateful to the Brahmin, who had preserved the penis for femininity. .

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Suryavarman I was very persuaded, according to the inscription. He believes that the penis, which has the feminine name of the pagoda, made from Wat Phu in the temple of Preah Vihear, has always performed a miracle for him to see. He did not have time to pay homage to Sisaket, only Brahmin, Bishop Bishop, and he asked for that to be done so that the festival could benefit both him and Cambodia. The essence of the rock is confirmed and reiterated. He worked very hard. I would like to emphasize that those who served in the temple at the beginning of the 9th century during the reign of Suryavarman I had so many people, not just the Brahma Some of them are from neighboring villages, but some villages do not know where their location is, but at the foot of the mountain can come up. Mountains are in respect of those who helped make this work, to take care of. Therefore, Suryavarman I asked to take these people to come and make a vow. Not just as our servants do.

What is that oath? It is oath if you swear to guard the temple is to guard the temple. If you take care of the temple, you must take care of the temple. And he said that if you were a guardian of the temple, you would protect all the servants, even in temples, even if you were to go to work outside of the temple, for example, to make a cowboy field outside your circle. You also have to protect them. And he defended the insurgents against the inhabitants. Therefore, this oath is not the same as the oath that officials called him to seduce him to make a vow to his hearer on the gate of the Angkor temples in Angkor. This is where we swear we decide to serve the sacred statue at the mountain of Preah Vihear. "
Srey Roka Rama
Among those who serve the feminine feminine penis, a man named Srey Soukara Rahman is important. Srey Sokara Rama has his family as the archivist of Khmer history since King of Cambodia. The story of the history of civil affairs and works from the pre-Angkor period to the Suryavarman I was written all Let me look at the leaves, the leaves. Left to Preah Vihear Temple and left to another temple today in the northern temple of the Dangrek. He was taken to speak this, he was a proper respector, helped to purify and organize the femininity. Suryavarman I was a theologian of Theravada Buddhism. But he still respects the prince, because in this inscription, he said, to determine the boundaries of his power, he made four penile shapes, each with the same name, Sreyavra Mao Svay, the penis shady representing King Suryavarman I. These four penis are referred to in the four directions at 1018 CE. This is what Suryavarman I did for the Temple of Preah Vihear. The four penises are distributed in four different locations:

A penis shifted at Prasat Ek Phnom at Wat Ek Phnom (Battambang), known as the Victory on the West Bank.
A penis shifted at the Temple of Preah Vihear (Preah Vihear province), called Srey Srahirak, on the north side.
A penis shifted at the Phnom Sopha temple (Takeo province), previously known as Sisowath Srei or Srey Srey Bopha or Srey Souk Kiri, meaning Suryavarman 1's mountain at the southern border.
An erection of a penitentiary in Northeast India may be on the Mekong River at Kratie or Stung Treng on the east.
Brave Day of the Day:
The inscription on the K-194 Mountain Kite in the mountain of the Preah Vihear, the K-383 speaks a lot about a Brahman called the Day of the Day or the Holocaust Day. Why this Brahmin served the Khmer king ever since the time of the reign of King Suvitviram II, where he built the temples of Bapuon and until the reign of Suryavarman II. He has received the largest of the Brahma's personal advisors, Suryavarman II, and has appointed him as a great Brahmad for all kings. The significance of the inscription concerning the Temple of Preah Vihear is that he is the commander of Suryavarman II, bringing all the wealth of temples in Cambodia, he administers. Most of the fortunes of Brahmania Day have been received by the King, including gold jewelry, precious and precious stones, which he dedicated to all females. So, for this temple of the temple, which is the goddess of celestialism, the Brahma, the name of the day of the war, he has a task for the Temple of Preah Vihear. Brahmah's Day: This day, he built statues to divide the land, to give him a land border for him when the village needed to be able to get rice to take the rice to dedicate to various rituals. The Temple of Preah Vihear. And at one time, he got a Gold Puppet from Suryavarman II, offering to the goddess of goddesses. At the time of the year, he did for the goddess of nature, he brought bronze to the center of the temple, which was known as the temple at the end of the mountain and took gold plates from the money used for the temple to be the animals Be as slaves. After that, he will repair all the structures, he shall be sent to the king to carry out the task of examining the temples of the kingdom. Therefore, the worshiping side of the temple of Suryavarman II, he entrusted to the bishop named "Day of the Day" or "the Day of Resurrection."

Gopura of the temple
Gopha 5 is the temple complex smaller than the other gopura of the Temple of Preah Vihear. The gopura is constructed on a rectangular shaft, which carries out a rocky top of natural rock and has stairs up to the four front gate. Currently, there is only one southern gate in full shape, the style of the Temple of Preah Vihear. The other gates fell down. The 5th Golden Gate is a four-lane (Chaktomok) gate with a roof overlaid with tiles enclosed by large pillars about 3.5 meters in length. And today we see some pillars standing still, but the roof has collapsed. In the east of the 5th Gopura, there are ancient staircases, about 1,500 meters long from the foot of the mountain to the top, and to the north, upstairs up to the bridge connecting the two big dragons on the side of the road Just arrived at Gopura 5. According to the inscription, only the king and his son could pass through the gate, wearing his gown. But others, including the Brahmin, the sages, and the leading advisers who pass through the gate, have to remove all the artifacts


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