Below is a list of Khmer temples in the territory of Siem Reap.
The central tower of the North
Prasat Bay
The temple of kadig
Prasat Preah Pagoda
Prasat Kampong Klei
Prasat Kampong Preah
Temple of Dakar
The large temple complex
Ko Chang Temple
Golden Temple
Prasat Kravan
Red temple
Prasat Boulevard
Kraeong Kra Krao
Prasat Kratie
The rambutan temple
Prasat Prasat
Prasat Prasat
The temples of the Tiger Creek
Prasat Kangchok
Prasat Kok Trapeang Pumpkin
Kok Chok Temple
Kok Chan Temple
Prasak Kok temple
Kok Pok Temple
Kouk Prek Kouk Temple
Korksoung Temple
Prak Kok Slope
Kokor O Kor Quarter
Kok Ko Temple
Temple of the Cheetah
Chau Say Tevoda
Grand Chao Vibol
East Chikraeng Temple
The West Bengal Temple
Corner Temple
Chrey Temple
Chrey Kien Temple
Prasat Preah Pokpokor
Daun Chan Temple
Dawean Temple
Baton of iron
Temple of Dummies
Prasat Damrakkamp
Ta Kiev temple
Takeo Temple
Prasat Ta of
Ta Prohm
Tauphas temple
Ta Ma Temple
Ta Moean Temple
Prasat Prasat
Ta Srey Temple
Ta An Temple
Taong Temple
Ta Ta Temple
Prasat Pagoda
Prasat Krasang Prasat
Prampang Pagoda
Prampang Chambok Temple
Prasat Phnom Penh
Prasat Pongpong
Prasat Meanchey
Prasat Konbaung
Prasat Rothaad
Thma Khemara Temple
Prasat Tea
The temple
Prasat temple
Thmor Chey temple
Tep Pranum Temple
The Temple of Corman
Prasat Bakong
Neak Pagoda
Baksei Memorial Hall
Shuky temple
East Bengu Temple
Temple of Fortune
Big Boundary
Banteay Prey or Banteay Brei Temple
Temple of Banteay Samre
Banteay Srei
Banteay Ampil
Prasat Bakong
Bakong (Prasat Roluos Group)
Prasat Bakong
Bat Chum temple
Prasat Bapuon or Baphuon Temple
Bekkhek Temple
Prasat Ba
Boeung Mealea or Temples Beng Mealea
The North Pagoda
Southern Songkhla
Prasat Prasat
Prasat Prasat
Prasat Pram
Prasat Pha Phang
Phlong temple
Prasat Pring
Prasat Prey
Prasat Prasat
Prasat Prasat
Prasat Prey
Prasat Prey
Prasakkhlom or Prasad Promhmal
Prasat Bakan
Preah Ko Temple (Prasat Roluos Group)
Prasat Preah Vihear
Preah Pali Lai or Preah Pailin Temple
Preah Pho Prasat
Preah Poutu Temple
Prasan Prasan
The temple of Lord Indra
Prasat Po village
Temples of Phnom Krom
Prasat Phnom Kravan

Prasat Phnom Bakheng
Bass mountain temple
Pchum Ben temple
Temples of Meanchey
East Mebon Temple
West Mebon Temple
Prasat Roun
Chinese Temple
The temple of the temple
Prasat Lilay (Prasat Roluos)
Prak Anak
The temple sank
Prasat Minor
Wat Knain temple
Prasat Wattea
The temples
Vain temple
Buffalo head Buffalo
Prasat Sampov
Prasat Snoul
Prasat Bridge
Suong Temple
Srolanh temple
Prasat Brahma Temple
Prasat Svay Leu
Angkor Wat
Orpong Temple
Prasat Borey
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