Sunday 16 December 2018

Prasat Kok Nokor

History of temples

Prasak Kokor Nokor is a good temple in Trakkork village, Pongroeng district, Baray district, Kampong Thom province. Built in the reign of Suryavarman I of the 11th century, in the style of warehouses. The temple is built on a single, rectangular, laterite and sandstone rectangular area, surrounded by a wall around 35 to 25 inches wide from birth to sunset. There are three meters of gopura (gate crossing the temple wall). East gopura is 9 meters high and has three gates. The middle door is narrow and dark, and there are two sides. The western gopura is small, there is a door inside but can not go outside. The southern gopura, adjoining the temple, is not in the middle of the rampart, but the entrance from the temple to the inside but can not go out. The wall is only a groove that pierces the wall outside to drain the water at the time of the watering ceremony. On the Sichuan (Titanic). In the middle, there is a single high tower, with a large balcony and balcony in the east, and on the front, there are 8 corner stone pillars On both sides.

Name: Prasat Kok Nokor
Builders: Suryavarman I
Built date: 11th century
Dedicated to: Brahmin religion
Architecture: Repository Style
Location: Troutkot village, Pongroeng district, Baray district, Kompong Thom province.

 At the top of the writing, makeup is decorated with a dragon-like dragon with a head to the right. The diamond pillars are decorated with a razor-sharp design, and in the center of the pagoda there are elephants riding elephants. The centerpiece is decorated from top to bottom. Above the top there are multi-layered cactuses that represent the entire universe. Near the main square (southeast) of Gopura, there is a monument (a library) of marble stone facing west, reversing the direction of the temple. Medium height is built on a height of 1 meter. According to older gays, there is a sloping bridge over the pond that looks like the pagoda is about to dig around the temple but later Removed to remove the grounds for the construction of the pagoda. That's why we see that the entire castle seems to be in the courtyard of the pagoda. In front of the temple, there is a large pond that blocks the surrounding dikes and has a bridges west from the pond. Which connects the temple's castle across the bridge. Nowadays, Srah Chakra pagoda and its surrounding courtyard have been transformed into a mass grave, making the whole pond's appearance completely transformed. In the south of the pond, there are many big trees, shady shrubbery as a place for meditation, to become a burial place.

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